Ready to board your flight? Here are some tips to make flying less stressful



It’s summer, which means the ideal time to pack your bags and head out into the unknown. Be it within the country or too far and distant lands, the tone for a trip is set right from the beginning – the journey itself. Sometimes, if you’re flying someplace and you encounter an untoward incident, it just sets the mood off right from the beginning, thus affecting your whole trip, and we wouldn’t want that, now, would we?!

To ease your travel, it is always better to learn proper flying etiquettes before you board the plane.

Unfortunately, sometimes even if you’re following all the etiquettes, nearby flight passengers and unruly children are there to make the journey difficult for you. They sometimes even turn your short flight duration into the worst nightmare.


Here are some tips that you should heed for your next flight, so that both you and your fellow passengers get off on just the right step to have an ideal journey.

The first most important thing to keep in mind is to have your boarding pass and ID ready as you approach airport security and if you’re waiting in line, you can speed up the process by removing your watch and belt, and pulling out your laptop, before you reach the conveyor. This will help you and everyone behind you to move faster.


Most of the travellers face struggle for the arm rest tops due to the annoying behaviours of their fellow passengers. It would be a sweet gesture if you let the middle-seat passenger to use the armrests, and keep your legs within the width of the chair frame.

Some people like to pass the time on an airplane through conversations with strangers but others would prefer to keep to themselves.  So, be mindful of the cues your fellow passenger is giving and if they avoid eye contact, just leave them.

It’s necessary to take care of your personal belongings as it is your personal space and this will help you to not occupy other passengers’ personal spaces.

Avoid hitting other passengers with your bag as you walk down the aisles by keeping it in front of you and close to your body. And once you sit down, you should stay there, so make sure you have everything you will need while flying.


The most annoying part of travelling is that there are passengers creating ruckus to peaceful sleep of others by snoring loudly. So if you’re guilty of a sleeping symphony, then take proper measures before boarding the flight.

Avoid the temptation to douse yourself with perfume because you might cause a respiratory problem for someone who has asthma or allergies.

In case, you are amongst, the one who usually claimed to be guilty of woken up with bad breath! See, there’s always a strong case to carry some mint with you.

Happy Journey!